Contact Information
707 S. Mathews Ave. | MC-168
Urbana, IL 61801
Abdulsamad Humaidan, currently teaching academic writing to international graduate and undergraduate students here on campus, was a recipient of a Fulbright Foreign (Global) Student Scholarship, funded by the U.S. Department of State through the U.S. Embassy in Yemen, to pursue an MA/TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) and he is currently finishing a Ph.D. degree majoring in Language, Literacies, and Culture/TESOL. Abdulsamad has taught the English language in Yemen and the United States at college and Intensive English Programs (IEPs) since 2005 and has been an active member of several educational and professional organizations since 2017. His research interests include teaching and learning English with technology (e.g., VR), English for academic purposes, in-classroom assessment, and teacher education. He co-/presented 20+ research and workshops sessions with several faculty members and classmates at regional, national, and international conferences as well as co-published a book chapter, two journal articles, a conference proceeding, and two edited book entries.
Awards and Honors
- 2023 Title VI Award, European Union Center (EUC), University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA
- 2022 Outstanding Graduate Teacher Award, Graduate and Professional Student Council, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, USA
- 2022 Dr. W. Robert Houston Leadership Academy, Association of Teacher Educators (ATE), USA
- 2021 Member of the Year, Graduate and Professional Students Council, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, USA
- 2021 TESOL Leadership Mentoring Program Award, TESOL International Association, USA
- 2020-2021 Dissertation Research Assistantship Award, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, USA
- 2018 Fulbright Alumni Development Grant, AMIDEAST, U.S. Department of State, USA
- 2018-2022 Travel and Conference Award, Graduate and Professional Students Council (GPSC), Southern Illinois University Carbondale, USA
- 2018 Ethnicity Race & Multilingualism Travel Award, Literacy Research Association (LRA), USA
- 2012-2014 Fulbright Foreign (Global) Student Scholarship, U.S. Embassy in Yemen
- 2005-2007 Cohort Top Student, University of Science and Technology, Yemen
Courses Taught
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA
Fall 2023
- ESL 525 C 75401 (Elements of Business Writing - Graduate Students) 05:00PM - 06:20PM MW G8B LCLB
- ESL 511 E 69275 (Written and Oral Communication- Graduate Students) 02:00 - 03:20 PM TR G8B LCLB
- ESL 511 D1 69274 (Written and Oral Communication- Graduate Students) 03:30PM - 04:50PM TR G8B LCLB
Spring 2023
- ESL 525 D 73700 (Elements of Business Writing - Graduate Students) 06:30 PM - 07:50 PM TR at FLB - G23
- ESL 112 I 60663 (Introduction to Academic Writing II- Undergraduate Students) 03:00 PM - 03:50 PM MWF at FLB - G8B
- ESL 112 M 60663 (Introduction to Academic Writing II- Undergraduate Students) 04:00 PM - 04:50 PM MWF at FLB - G8B
- ESL 112 O 60663 (Introduction to Academic Writing II- Undergraduate Students) 11:00 AM - 11:50 AM MWF at FLB - G8B
Fall 2022
- ESL 511 B 69264 (Written and Oral Communication- Graduate Students) 09:30 AM - 10:50 AM TR at FLB - G13
- ESL 511 E 69275 (Written and Oral Communication- Graduate Students) 02:00 PM - 03:20 PM TR at FLB - G13
- ESL 111 A 62264 (Introduction to Academic Writing I- Undergraduate Students) 08:00 AM - 08:50 AM MWF at FLB - G13
Southern Illinois University Carbondale, USA
- August 2021- December 2021 Instructor of Record, EDUC 319: Language and Learning, School of Education
- 2020 Online English as a Second Language (ESL) Instructor [222 synchronous interactive teaching hours], Center for English as a Second Language (CESL), Department of Linguistics
- January 2017-July 2020 English as a Second Language (ESL) Instructor [850 in-person teaching hours], Center for English as a Second Language (CESL), Department of Linguistics
- January 2017-March 2017 Tutor [70 hours], Skills Center, Center for English as a Second Language (CESL), Department of Linguistics
- 2016 Instructor of Record, CI 360: Teaching Reading and Writing in Secondary Content Areas, School of Education
- 2016 Graduate Teaching Assistant, CI 432 Literacy Development and Assessment (K-4th) [Two times] & CI 433 Instruction and Assessment of Adolescent Literacy (4th -8th Grade), School of Education
Lebanese International University, Yemen
2008-2011 Instructor of Record for undergraduate classes at the Department of English
- ENGL350: Communication Skills (Two times)
- ENGL250: Advanced English Composition and Rhetoric (Three times)
- ENGL220: Modern English Grammar
- ENGL200: English Composition and Rhetoric (Three times)
- Remedial English (EL103)
- Remedial English (EL102)
- Remedial English (EL101)
University of Science and Technology, Yemen
2007-2011 Instructor of Record for undergraduate classes at the Department of English
- ENG Advanced Speaking Skills
- ENG Listening and Speaking Skills II
- ENG Listening and Speaking Skills I
- ENG English Grammar and Usage II
- ENG English Grammar and Usage I
- UST06 English Language II
- UST02 English Language I (Four times)
- English for Business Purposes (Four times)
- English for Computer Purposes (Three times)
- BMD05 Medical English
Courses I took during Graduate School, USA
- ING 589 Teaching Vocabulary in a Second Language
- LING 587 Teaching Reading in a Second Language
- LING 586 English for Specific Purposes
- LING 584 Teaching Composition in a Second Language
- LING 583 TESOL Practicum
- LING 580 Teaching Listening and Speaking in a Second Language
- LING 580 Advanced Pedagogical Grammar
- LING 574 CESL Teaching Methods
- LING 570 Theory, Methods and Materials of TESOL
- LING 531 Pedagogical Grammar
- LING 472 L2 Language Assessment
Linguistics/Applied Linguistics Coursework
- LING 543 Bilingualism
- LING 541 Second Language Acquisition
- LING 505 Professional Study of Linguistics
- LING 445 Psycholinguistics
- LING 415 Sociolinguistics
- LING 402 Phonetics
Curriculum and Instruction Coursework
- CI 584 Curriculum Theory, Foundations and Principles
- CI 583 Instructional Theory, Principles, and Practices
- CI 503 Introduction to the Curriculum
- LING 582 Course Design for TESOL
Technology Coursework
- CI 588 Design of e-Learning
- LING 592 Advanced Computer-Assisted Language Learning
- LING 573 Computer-Assisted Language Learning
Highlighted Publications
- McCrocklin, S. & Messemer, E. & Johnston, M. & Humaidan, A. & Stuckel, R. & Mainake, E. & Aboshi, T. & Johnston, I. & Fettig, C. & Lunina, T. (2023). Online teaching during COVID-19: Exploring the relationship of CALL training and beliefs about pronunciation teaching. Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching Proceedings 13(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.31274/psllt.15688
- Chiesa, D. L., Griffin, R. A., Humaidan, A., & Trịnh, E. T. (2022). Teaching with Intentionality: Language Educators as Transformative Intellectuals and Reflective Practitioners [Editorial]. GATESOL Journal, 32(2), 1-2. https://doi.org/10.52242/gatesol.178
- Humaidan, A. & Chang, S. (2020) Headbanz. In U. Nurmukhamedov & R. Sadler (Eds.), New Ways in Teaching with Games (pp. 98-99). TESOL Press.
- Rolim, P. & Humaidan, A. (2020) Bingo Listening Activity with Lyrics! In U. Nurmukhamedov & R. Sadler (Eds.), New Ways in Teaching with Games (pp. 118-119). TESOL Press.
- Humaidan, A., & Martin, K. (2019) Instructor-Generated Orthographic Assessments in Intensive English Classes. In E. White, & T. Delaney (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Assessment Literacy and Teacher-Made Tests in the Language Classroom. (204-243). IGI Global.
- McCrocklin, S., Humaidan, A., & Edalatishams, I. (2018) Automatic Speech Recognition Accuracy for Non-native Speech Dictation. In J. Levis, R. Mohamed, Z. Zhou, & M. Qian (Eds). Proceedings of the 10th Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching Conference.
Selected Conference Presentations
- Humaidan, A., E., Trinh., Reys, A., J., & Hirano, E., (November 03, 2023). Publish in the GATESOL Journal [Conference Presentation]. Paper presented at GATESOL 2023 Connect [Virtual], Atlanta, GA.
- Reys, A., J., Hirano, E., Trinh., E., & Humaidan, A. (October 26, 2023). Read, Write, & Review: How the GATESOL Journal Can Work for You [Conference Presentation]. Paper presented at GATESOL 2023, Atlanta, GA.
- Hadid, A., & Humaidan, A. (October 03, 2023). Providing students with equitable learning opportunities through fair assessments [Conference Presentation]. Paper presented at the 2023 Center for Culturally Responsive Evaluation and Assessment (CREA), Chicago, IL.
- Humaidan, A. (2023, February 11). TEFL Kuwait Research and Publishing in ELT SIG: Where are we now?. Paper presented at the TEFL Kuwait International Conference 2023. Kuwait.
- Chiesa, D. L., Trịnh, E. T. & Humaidan, A. (January 18, 2023). Publish in the GATESOL Journal. Invited presentation at the GATESOL Professional Learning Series, GA.
- McCrocklin, S., Messemer, E., Stuckel, R., Humaidan, A., Mckenzie, J., & Eugenie, M. (June, 2022). Online Teaching During COVID-19: Exploring the Relationship of CALL Training and Beliefs about Pronunciation Teaching. Paper presented at the 13th Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching Conference, Ontario, Canada.
- Byfield, L., Bacon, H., Bancroft, S., Colaninnon-Meek, K, & Humaidan, A. (April, 2022). A Novel K-12 Professional Development Model: Building a Teacher-Created Accessible, Equitable State Science Assessment. Paper presented at the 2022 the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting (AERA).
- Hardy, J., Humaidan, A., Wald, M. & Payant, C. (March, 2022). Conference Proposals 201: What happens after you submit? Paper presented at the TESOL 2022 International Convention & English Language Expo, Pittsburgh, PA.
- Byfield, L., Humaidan, A., & Kaya, J. (February, 2020) Empathy and Agency: The Role of an Educator. Paper presented at the Association of Teacher Educators (ATE) 2020 Annual Meeting, Atlantic City, NJ.
- Humaidan, A., Azzubaidi, K., & Al-Ghuwainem, G. (March, 2019). Academic Word List in MA Linguistics/TESOL Theses by Arab Graduates. Paper presented at TESOL 2019 International Convention & English Language Expo, Atlanta, GA.
- Humaidan, A., & Martin, K. (March, 2019) Instructor-Generated Orthographic Assessments in Intensive English Classes. Paper presented at TESOL 2019 International Convention & English Language Expo, Atlanta, GA.
- McCrocklin, S., Humaidan, A., & Edalatishams, I. (September, 2018) ASR Dictation Programs Accuracy: Have Current Programs Improved? Paper presented at the 10th Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching Conference, Iowa State University, Ames, IA.
- Humaidan, A., Martinez, G., & Hurtado, G. (May, 2018). Teaching Academic Writing in EFL/ESL Contexts from the Perspectives of Three International Graduate Teaching Assistants. Panel discussion at the 11th Annual Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Carbondale, IL
- Byfield, L., Shelby-Caffey, C. V., Humaidan, A., & Shen, X. (May, 2017). Deficit approaches to instruction for English learners in 21st century classrooms: A call for transformation. Paper presented at the 13th International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL.
Conferences Attended
- 2023 Midwest Association of Language Testers (MwALT) Conference, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA.
- 2020, 2023 TESOL Advocacy Day and Policy Summit in Washington, DC, USA. (2020 Virtual)
- 2023 SLATE Graduate Student Research Symposium at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA.
- 2023 ITBE Illinois TESOL & Bilingual Education in Chicago, IL, USA.
- 2022-2023 Illinois Association of Teacher Educators (ATE) Annual Meeting at Bradley University, IL, USA.
- 2022-2023 International Symposium on Autoethnography and Narrative - Virtual Meetings.
- 2021-2023 English Language Testing Society (ELTSociety) - Virtual Meetings.
- 2019 Midwest Association of Language Testers (MwALT) at Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA.
- 2018-2022 TESOL International Association (2018 Chicago, IL; 2019 Atlanta, GA; 2020-2021 Virtual; 2022 Pittsburgh, PA).
- 2018-2020 MIDTESOL Conference (2018 Kansas City, MO; 2019 Omaha, NE; 2020 Virtual).
- 2018-2019, 2022 Association of Teacher Educators (ATE) Annual Meeting (2018 Las Vegas, NA; 2019 Atlanta, GA; 2022 Chicago, IL).
- 2018-2020 Literacy Research Association (LRA) Annual Meeting (2018 Indian Wells, CA; 2019 Tampa, FL; 2020 Virtual).
- 2018 10th Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching Conference, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA.
- 2017, 2019, 2023 International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA.
- 2017 2nd Annual Shawnee Hills IEP Camp at the University of Southern Indiana, IN, USA.
- 2017 Midwest Association of Teacher Educators (ATE) Annual Meeting in Lafayette, IN, USA.
Recent Publications
- Bacon, H. R., Rolim, P., & Humaidan, A. (2022). “I Don’t Feel I’m Capable of More”: Affect, Literacy, Dis/Ability. Journal of Literacy Research, 54(1), 51-73. https://doi.org/10.1177/1086296X2210764 [Impact Factor: 2.551 / 5-Year Impact Factor: 3.060]
- Bacon, H. R., Byfield, L., Kaya, J., & Humaidan, A. (2019). Counter-storying lives and literacies: Narratives of transformational resistance. Journal of Latinos and Education, 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1080/15348431.2019.1685527
Professional Service
National Service
- 2022 Reviewer, TESOL Professional Development Scholarships, TESOL International Association
- 2022 Lead Co-Chair, Annual Virtual Meeting Committee, English Language Testing Society (ELTSociety)
- 2022 Strand Coordinator, Content-Integrated Approaches, 2023 TESOL Convention and English Language Expo, TESOL International Association
- 2022-present Community Manager, Teacher Educator Interest Section (TEIS), TESOL International Association
- 2021 Member, Review and Interview Committee of the Action in Teacher Education Journal editorship, Association of Teacher Educators (ATE)
- 2021 Reviewer, D. Scott Enright TESOL Interest Section Service Award, TESOL International Association
- 2021-present Trustee, Board of Trustees, English Language Testing Society (ELTSociety)
- 2021 Strand Coordinator Assistant, Content-Integrated Approaches, 2022 TESOL Convention and English Language Expo, TESOL International Association
- 2021 Membership Coach, New Member Welcome Program, TESOL International Association
- 2020-2021 Reviewer, TESOL Award for Distinguished Research, TESOL International Association
- 2020-present Member, Professional Publications Committee, Association of Teacher Educators (ATE)
- 2020-present Member, Review and Selecting Committee for Outstanding Article Award, Association of Teacher Educators (ATE)
- 2019-2021 Member, Professional Development Professional Council, TESOL International Association
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Service
- September 16, 2023 Human Book, Human Library Event, Mortenson Center for International Library Programs
- August 18, 2023 Microteaching facilitator, 2023 Grad Academy, Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning
- Spring 2023 Member, Search Committee for a Persian Instructor/Lecturer, Department of Linguistics
- April 27, 2023 Judge, Undergraduate Research Symposium, Office of Undergraduate Research
- Spring 2023 Advisory Board Member, Salaam Middle East and North Africa Cultural Center
- September 2022 - March 2023 Member, Conference Organization Committee, Illinois Language And Linguistics Society (ILLS15), Department of Linguistics
- August 2022 - present Member, Norming Committee, ESL program at the Department of Linguistics
Southern Illinois University Carbondale Service
- Spring 2021 Member, Search Committee for Dean of College of Health and Human Sciences
- 2018-2021 Member, Student Trustee Election Committee
- 2017-2022 Member, Graduate and Professional Students Council (GPSC)
- 2017-2018 Executive Member, Graduate and Professional Students Council (GPSC)
- 2017 Member, International Teaching Assistants Testing Committee, Center for English as a Second Language (CESL)
- 2014-2015 Member, Academic Affairs Committee, College of Education and Human Sciences
State Service
- Spring 2023 Interim Secretary, ITBE Illinois TESOL & Bilingual Education
- October 2021 - June 2022 Member, Annual Conference Committee, MIDTESOL (Mid-America Teachers of English to Speakers of other Languages)
Journal Editorial Boards
- July 2023-present Editorial Board, American Journal of Qualitative Research
- Summer 2023 Reviewer, Special Issue on “Intersectionality: From Theory to Practice”, Journal of Underrepresented & Minority Progress
- 2023- present Reviewer, Journal of English Studies in Arabia Felix
- 2022-present Associate Editor, GATESOL Journal
- 2022-present Ad hoc reviewer, Journal of Literacy Research [Impact Factor: 2.551 / 5-Year Impact Factor: 3.060]
- 2021- present Editorial Board Member, European Journal of English Language Studies
- 2020-2022 Reviewer, Asia TEFL Journal -Brief Reports
- 2019-2022 Journal Assistant, MIDTESOL Journal (Mid-America Teachers of English to Speakers of other Languages)
- 2019-presnet Reviewer, MIDTESOL Journal (Mid-America Teachers of English to Speakers of other Languages)
- 2019-2022 Reviewer, Literacy Research: Theory, Method, and Practice
Conference Proposal Reviewer
- 2019-present TESOL International Association Convention and English Language Expo
- 2019-present Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA)
- 2019-present Annual Meeting of the Literacy Research Association (LRA)
- 2019-present TESOL Doctoral Forum
Professional Affiliations
- 2022-present American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL)
- 2022-present Illinois TESOL-Bilingual Education
- 2022-present TEFL Kuwait
- 2020-present American Educational Research Association (AERA)
- 2019-present English Language Testing Society (ELTSociety)
- 2019-present Association of Teacher Educators (ATE)
- 2018-2023 MIDTESOL (Mid-America Teachers of English to Speakers of other Languages)
- 2018-present Literacy Research Association (LRA)
- 2017-present TESOL International Association