South Asian Studies has been part of the Center for South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (CSAMES) since its inception in 1983. It will continue to be administered under CSAMES until a self-standing center for South Asian studies is eventually created on campus.
Rini B. Mehta, Associate Professor of Comparative and World Literature, is the first Faculty Director of South Asian Studies, appointed in Fall 2024. In collaboration with Eric Calderwood, director of CSAMES, Mehta directs programming and academic engagements related to South Asia.
Ragini Chakraborty, a doctoral student of Comparative and World Literature, is the graduate assistant for South Asian Studies. Ragini works closely with Prof. Mehta on various aspects of programming and proposal development.
Please direct all inquiries, advice, and suggestions related to South Asian Studies to Prof. Mehta at rbhttchr@illinois.edu, or to Ragini Chakraborty at raginic2@illinois.edu.