Contact Information
1208 W. Nevada
Urbana, IL 61801
Research Interests
Racial/ethnic/religious diasporas and transnational political movements; gender and sexuality; Islam and Muslim communities; visual anthropology, documentary, and experimental filmmaking; visual culture and the senses; knowledge, ethics, and power; and new media forms and methods.
Courses Taught
Gender and Representation
Feminist Theory
Asian American Media and Film
GWS 495 Theories and Theologies of Liberation
GWS 495 Theories and Theologies of Liberation
GWS 495 Theories and Theologies of Liberation
GWS 495 Theories and Theologies of Liberation
GWS 495 Theories and Theologies of Liberation
Additional Campus Affiliations
Associate Professor, Gender and Women's Studies
Associate Professor, Asian American Studies
Associate Professor, Anthropology
Associate Professor, Unit for Criticism and Interpretive Theory
External Links
Intellectual Property
Book Contributions
- Kashani, Maryam. "The Audience Is Present: Invocations of El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz by Muslims in the United States.." With Stones in Our Hands: Reflections on Racism, Muslims, and U.S. Empire. . Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2018.
Journal Articles
- Kashani, Maryam. "Habib in the Hood: Mobilizing History and Prayer towards an Anti-Racist Islam." Amerasia Journal 44.1 (2018):
- Kashani, Maryam. "The Intersection of Race, Gender, and Islam in the United States; Roundtable with Su'ad Abdul Khabeer, Evelyn Al-Sultany, and Sylvia Chan-Malik." Amerasia Journal (2014):
- Kashani, Maryam. Rev. of Descending with AngelsAmerican Anthropologist 119.4 (2017):
- Kashani, Maryam. "Book Review of Ebrahim Moosa's What is a Madrasa?." Rev. of What is a Madrasa?Journal of the American Academy of Religion 84.1 (2016):
- Kashani, Maryam. "Film review essay of Roxanne Varzi's Plastic Flowers Never Die." Rev. of Plastic Flowers Never DieVisual Anthropology 27.1 (2011):
Audio/Visual Publications
- Signs of Remarkable History (HD, 77 minutes). Dir. Maryam Kashani. 2016.
- Our Look Was as If Two Lovers or Enemies (three-channel installation). Dir. Maryam Kashani. 2015.
- When They Give Their Word, Their Word is Bond (site-specific installation). 2012.
- Best in the West (16mm/SDvideo, 72 minutes). Dir. Maryam Kashani. 2006.
- things lovely and dangerous still (16mm film for trumpet and drums). Dir. Maryam Kashani. 2003.
Recent Publications
Kashani, M. (2023). Medina by the Bay: Scenes of Muslim Study and Survival. Duke University Press. https://doi.org/10.1515/9781478027232
Kashani, M. (2019). “Wild Westernization” and Liminal Racialization at the Limits of the Middle East and North America. Journal of Middle East Women's Studies, 15(3), 373-376. https://doi.org/10.1215/15525864-7720711
Kashani, M. (2018). Habib in the Hood: Mobilizing History and Prayer towards Anti-Racist Praxis. Amerasia Journal, 44(1), 61-84. https://doi.org/10.17953/aj.44.1.61-84
Kashani, M. (2018). The Audience Is Still Present: Invocations of El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz by Muslims in the United States . In S. Daulatzai, & J. Rana (Eds.), With Stones in Our Hands: Writings on Muslims, Racism, and Empire (Muslim International; Vol. 2). University of Minnesota Press.
Kashani, M. (2017). Review: C. Suhr's (dir.) Descending with Angels. American Anthropologist, 119(4), 757-758. https://doi.org/10.1111/aman.2017.119.issue-4