Professor Rini Mehta

The Center for South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies is excited to announce a new role within the center: the Faculty Director for South Asian Studies. Starting on August 16, 2024, the Center’s first Faculty Director for South Asian Studies will be Professor Rini Mehta (Comparative & World Literature and Religion). Professor Mehta has been a leader in South Asian Studies programming at Illinois and has research interests that focus on nationalism, the Cold War, and other social and political experiences in cinema in India. In her new role, Professor Mehta will organize lectures and other academic and cultural programs to bring increased visibility to South Asian studies at Illinois.

The position of Faculty Director for South Asian Studies was established with support from the Office of the Provost and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences to promote South Asian studies on our campus. The position is the first step toward the eventual goal of creating a self-standing center for South Asian studies on campus.

Please join us in welcoming Professor Mehta to her new position! You can read more about the new South Asian studies initiative here:

And if you have suggestions for future programming or other ideas for promoting South Asian Studies at the University of Illinois, please contact Professor Mehta at