Additional Campus Affiliations
Associate Head for Graduate Studies, Industrial and Enterprise Systems Engineering
Professor, Industrial and Enterprise Systems Engineering
Arthur Davis Faculty Scholar, Industrial and Enterprise Systems Engineering
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Professor, Information Trust Institute
Professor, Coordinated Science Lab
Recent Publications
Sengupta, R., Nagi, R., & Sreenivas, R. S. (Accepted/In press). Robust Task Allocations by Distributing the Risk among Agents: Theory and Algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering.
Yuasa, M., Tran, H. T., & Sreenivas, R. S. (2024). On Generating Explanations for Reinforcement Learning Policies: An Empirical Study. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 8, 3027-3032.
Fouani, R., Sengupta, R., Nagi, R., & Sreenivas, R. S. (2023). Voxelized Cut-and-Fill Models for Deadlock-Free Site Excavation Under Accessibility Constraints. In 2023 IEEE 19th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, CASE 2023 (IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering; Vol. 2023-August). IEEE Computer Society.
Sengupta, R., Nagi, R., & Sreenivas, R. S. (2023). Equitable Allocation of Operations and Makespan Minimization for Autonomous Agents. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 20(1), 703-717.
Kaur, R., Schaye, C., Thompson, K., Yee, D. C., Zilz, R., Sreenivas, R. S., & Sowers, R. B. (2021). Machine learning and price-based load scheduling for an optimal IoT control in the smart and frugal home. Energy and AI, 3, Article 100042.